Samsung has started pushing out a new update to the Galaxy J7 (2016) smartphone. Weighing in at around 26MB and arriving as version J710FXXU3AQD4, the update brings along Android security fixes for April.
Sadly, there's currently no informa...
Do you think the back of the Samsung Galaxy S8 or S8+ is a bit plain? Do you also happen to really like gold? Then check out Legend’s gold-plated, diamond-studded flagship that measures opulence in karats.
Legend developed a special meth...
Of late, users of Microsoft OneNote have been experiencing sync issue with the software giant's cloud storage service OneDrive. Now, the company has officially confirmed the issue, saying that the root cause has been identified and they a...
The Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) - which has already received WiFi certification from the WiFi Alliance (WFA), and has also been spotted in benchmark listings - has now leaked in a couple of images.
Specs-wise, according to its benchmark list...
Earlier this month, we told you that an app had been installed on a Galaxy S8 display unit at a store. This app called: All in One Gestures would be able to reprogram the dedicated Bixby key to open another app like the Camera.
LG has added a new name to the list of smartphones for which bootloader unlocking is officially supported. The device in question is the G5 SE, which is basically the Snapdragon 652 variant of the G5.
Specifically, the model number H840...