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New iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Parts for Repair

New iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus Parts for Repair
Apple released iPhone 7 and 7 Plus on Sep 16th. 1 months past, there are more and more spare parts appear to the market for iPhone 7 replacement. Such as display screen, back housing, battery, charging dock flex, Power on/off flex, Backlight .... If any user dorpped his new iPhone to ground by accident, and destroyed some parts, it is lucky that he can get new iPhone 7 parts for repair.

As a new iPhone version, all spare parts in the market are 100% original. There is no copy or refurbish parts currently. Some people buy new iPhone 7 mobile, disclose it, and get every kinds of spare parts. Then they sell those parts on the market. This is the only way of sourcing. So currently, all parts of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus are very expensive.

If you just buy a new iPhone 7 or 7 plus. Please take care of your precious mobile. To avoid accident, you can use a iPhone 7 soft silicone case to protect the back housing, and buy a iPhone 7 tempered glass to protect iPhone 7 screen. This 2 accessories can help you to avoid 90% damage.

From    ananda    10 years of international brand refurbished mobile phone export
